First Steps PISTOL
Instruction, Responsibility and Safety Training - is the NRA response to the American public's need for a
firearm orientation program for new purchasers. New Firearm owners are encouraged to take the "first step" of obtaining training,
and the NRA FIRST Steps Program is designed to provide hands-on introduction to the safe handling and proper orientation of
one specific firearm model.
This course,
because of its narrow focus, can be completed as quickly as three hours. Students will get the NRA's The Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook and quick
practical lessons on the safe use, cleaning, and storage of their pistol. The practical exercise covers a single pistol shooting
position. As the number of participants or pistol type’s present increases, the course will take proportionally longer.
- Introduction to Pistol Safety, Parts, and Operation
- Introduction to Ammunition and the Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting
- Introduction to Pistol Shooting from the Benchrest Position
- Introduction to Pistol Cleaning, Storage, and Training Opportunities
Steps orientations are model-specific, and teach only the most basic shooting skills, they are not complete "courses"
in the traditional sense of the word. They do provide a thorough introduction to firearm safety, handling, and shooting skills
on a certain particular model. These skills require practice. Initially, this practice should take place under the supervision
of a qualified individual -- like a NRA Certified Instructor or NRA Shooting Coach. For this reason the orientation encourages
participants to obtain additional training in a NRA basic Firearm Training Course, and then to take the "next step" by
participating in other local club activities designed to help individuals maintain and develop their shooting skills through
enjoyable recreational pastimes.
You will learn the basics of firearms,
gun safety and shooting fundamentals and have the opportunity to shoot live rounds at the range. It is designed to be
an informative course and enjoyable at the same time.
We strive to maintain a ratio of 1-2 students
per instructor and usually have to limit the number of students.
The are
no prerequisites for taking this course, and the material is accessible to appropriately supervised mature children.
Course Completion
will receive feedback on the live-fire exercise and a course completion certificate upon successful completion of the lessons.
Students will receive a “Basic Practical” rocker upon successful demonstration of firing a qualifying “group”.